Private Yoga Classes

Are you struggling to find a group class time that suits you? Do you suffer from any injuries or conditions that require special attention during movement or physical activity? Do you prefer to practice one-on-one or in a private setting? Do you have particular health or fitness goals you want to achieve?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, private classes may be the answer! Practice in our fully-equipped studio in Sunnybank with tailored yoga sequences and poses to suit your individual needs.

Want to bring a friend? Private classes for 2 people also available.


若以上其中一條問題你會答 “Yes” 那麼我們推出的私人一對一瑜伽班便是你的選擇!可以在我們Sunnybank的瑜伽室進行為你度身訂造的瑜伽課啦!



Online Private Yoga Classes

Now offering online private yoga classes – individualised yoga classes without leaving the comfort of your own home!

One-hour yoga classes through Skype or FaceTime with tailored yoga sequences to target your own yoga and health goals.

Simply email us here to express your interest or book.

Terms & Conditions

  • One student per private one-on-one session only, or two students per doubles private class only.
  • A 50% deposit is to be made at least 48 hours in advance to confirm your booking. The remaining balance payable is to be paid on the first class.
  • Payments are non-refundable or transferrable for cash or other class credits.
  • Bookings must be rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance or result in forfeiting the lesson fee.
  • Any negligence or nuisance caused by students on premises may result in forfeiting or cancellation of the booking and/or any remaining bookings.


  • 一對一私人瑜伽課權利只屬於該名學生;而雙人私人瑜伽課權利則屬於該兩名學生,不允許權利轉讓
  • 學生需要在第一節課48小時前付50%學費作為訂金,其餘學費需在第一節課後付款,學費一概不會退還,包括現金或轉換成其他形式的課堂
  • 如需改變原本預定的上課日期或時間,必要在該課堂前最少24小時通知老師;否則被當作放棄該課堂
  • 學生在課堂上造成任何疏忽或滋擾行為,將會被當作放棄該課堂甚至餘下課堂